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    Eurotherm 590 DC Drive

    Eurotherm 590 DC DriveEurotherm 590 used to be an all-digital DC Drive of SSD Company. For a while Eurotherm590 bought SSD Company, and the 590 Drive became a product of Eurotherm 590 company, so ever

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    Eurotherm 590 DC Drive

    Eurotherm 590 used to be an all-digital DC Drive of SSD Company. For a while Eurotherm590 bought SSD Company, and the 590 Drive became a product of Eurotherm 590 company, so everyone called this all-digital DC as Eurotherm 590. Now the 590 DC Drive was sold to Parker Company, but everyone called it "Inveterate". Continental also has been handed down, the name of the Eurotherm 590 is currently the domestic market share of high dc speed regulator, although speed regulating market already became the ac inverter speed regulator of the world, but in some high power high torque occasion there are still using dc speed regulation system, continental 590 function is more, the price cheap, so the market size is very big.

    Eurotherm DC Drive model:

    590(1) C/0700/5/3/0/1/0/00-70A
    590(1) C/1100/5/3/0/1/0/00-110A
    590(1) C/1500/5/3/0/1/0/00-150A
    590(1) C/1800/5/3/0/1/0/00-180A
    590(1) C/2700/5/3/0/1/0/00-270A
    590(1) C/3800/5/3/0/1/0/00-380A
    590(1) C/5000/5/3/0/1/0/00-500A
    590(1) C/7250/5/3/0/1/0/00-725A
    590(1) C/8300/5/3/0/1/0/00-830A




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